Why ACIS Complex?

What kind of enterprise is ACIS Complex?

It is a "small enterprise with a family atmosphere" that split off from a well known large company, which with a couple of years past behind it became a medium sized company and which already plays in the "big field", purposefully, vigorously, with undertaking risks, that is, seriously!

The style of OURS?

Purposeful, committed, fanatic, solution searchers and what is probably the most important, we are a coherent, combat-worthy team.
You fit well into the team, if in addition to the expected appropriate profile, for example you swam across lake Balaton, you dived on open sea to the depth of 35 meters, you crawled and climbed in narrow caves, you climbed onto the highest wall, you went along the El Camino, you already ran a Marathon, you cycled with a tandem throughout the French Alpine, you performed an off-road rally, you can drive a camion, you built a funfair, you have a first row soccer pass, you already lived through many "missions", you are able to resuscitate, to tell funny stories, you conquer the wild animals for making from them a goulash, you bake cakes for the colleagues, you make good brandy or your potential father-in-law already accepted you and you may ask from his for the company team building event… in summary you are excelling in something, because our team each day does something that is exceptional.

What awaits YOU?

Open doors, straight, open and honest communication, if you have pain spiritual assistance. Values: team, stimulation and training, assistance and support, professionalism and knowledge sharing. An owner and leadership attitude that pays attention, listens, assists and supports YOU!

Join us, if you like to show off your aptitude and your professional experience, or you just wish to prepare the foundations of your career and to learn the profession! We await you if you have any "value to add" and you have a development objective! We appreciate the „hard skills”, as e.g. language skills, relevant education, licences, technical competence, professional experience, valuable contact system, and we value the "soft skills", as e.g. the value order, approach, character, personality characteristics, self-knowledge. Show it to the world!

You wish to work part-time, weekly 20 or 30 hours, or 36 hours in 4 days? We have a solution for you to find the balance between work and your private life!
You would like to partially or full work time work from at home? If you do not apply for being a welder and/or a fitter, let us talk about it!
You would like to see the world, to develop your linguistic skills, to test yourself abroad? Denmark, England, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Germany, the Czech Republic, just a few examples where we had our projects in the past. Are you prepared for travelling any day?

What do we offer for YOU?

Registered, competitive salary, because we "play with clean cards". Job specific benefits and work equipment, language skill development and professional trainings. Health insurance with preventive screenings and with outpatient care, contribution to meals on the SZÉP card. And we acknowledge with bonuses and premiums the outstanding performances, You!